Saturday, March 30, 2013


DATE: March 30, 2013
LOCATION: (It feels like outer space)

Ladies and gentlemen were are officially T minus 24 hours and counting before our team embarks on a wonderful journey. Part of the adventure is trying to pack enough clothes and toiletries for a month. Then add on host gifts and you find yourself trying to fit everything in your suitcase. It's like playing a game of tetris!!!!! (Those people who grew up in the 80's and played video games understands that reference). I'm sure my fellow teammates are having their fair share of fun with last minute packing and errands. Speaking of last minute things I still have to clean the house. :-(

Don't you just love the day before you are about to travel. UGHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, March 24, 2013


THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!
DATE: January 8th through February 24th ( weekly meetings)
LOCATION: Charlotte, NC (Wells Fargo 1 building)

As GSE District 7680 representatives we were tasked with creating a presentation to show to the Rotary clubs and people of Brazil. The presentation was to focus on the West-Central North Carolina region and encompass several topics including business, government, health and wellness, education, and community service. Even though several of us had experience in some of these fields there was still a need to pull together additional resources to help us create our presentation. Thankfully, there were experienced professionals who were willing to give of their time and knowledge. Those individuals were:

Mr. David Kirkpatrick - Dale Carnegie Training (Team Dynamics & Communication)
Mr. Hazen Blodgett - Matthews Town Manager (Government)
Ms. Belinda Kirby - Administrator; Christ Our Shepherd Ministries (Community Service)
Mr. Roland Bibeau - President; Matthews Presbyterian Hospital (Health)
Mr. Scott Treon - Team Member; GSE Alumni (Brazilian 2010 Experience)
Ms. Felicia Eybl - Assistant Principal; Charlotte Mecklenburg Schools (Education)

Without their help, our presentation would not have been nearly as good. A resounding thank you goes out to them.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

REWIND TO THE BEGINNING (yes still going)

DATE: February 23, 2013
LOCATION: Charlotte, NC (Neighborhood Theater)

The Latin American Coalition sponsored an event called "A Night in Rio". This was the forth year in a row that they've hosted the event and each year it has sold out. According to the Latin American Coalition website "A Night in Rio" is journey through Brazil in an evening featuring traditional dancing, live musical performances of Samba, Bossa Nova, and Brazilian beats, authentic foods and arts crafts. Some people from our group were able to attend and had a great time.The picture and videos explain it all.

                                           From left to right: Emilee, Myself, and my friend Edwarde

                                                           Here's what you missed

                                                               Some more (these guys were great)

                                                       Brazilian Zumba Demonstration

                                                       Brazilian Capoeira Demonstration




SAD DAY!!!!!!!
DATE: January 22, 2013
LOCATION: Charlotte, NC (Wells Fargo 1 building)

We were all just informed that Elizabeth will not be going with us to Brazil. :-(    Some personal matters came up that conflicted with the scheduled time of our trip. She was definitely a great asset to the group and I know she was looking to have a great time (a.k.a - neckcation, she knows what i mean). She will be truly missed. We wish her luck in all her future endeavors.

Sunday, March 17, 2013


DATE: January 4-5, 2013
LOCATION: Greensboro, NC

The workshops and forums that went on this weekend were very helpful. Being able to hear past GSE team members and scholars tell their stories about what they experienced started making this trip seem real. Also meeting other Rotarians, and thanking them for sponsoring us was a good experience for me. Realizing that they didn't have to select any of us but they had faith that we would carry the Rotary name and the GSE program with respect and dignity meant a lot.

Overall my favorite part of the weekend was meeting the other GSE groups and scholars. I made a lot of new friends this weekend. Even though we all come from different backgrounds and different states we all have one thing in common, we are all members of the GSE program. Some of us even hung out after our meetings. (Names and location will be kept private to protect the innocent.. You all know who you are........LOL!!!). Here are some pictures from that weekend.

Missing Nora (Thanks to Chris and Firoz for being in the picture)

Someone is not paying attention to the presenter....Hahhahah

Someone else is not paying attention to the presenter

Come on now ladies...focus...everyone wants to be in front of the camera

Everybody say Limburger (Cheese)

Rotary Scholars and Peace Fellows

GSE UK/Wales

GSE Japan

There's Nora


                                                                        GSE Australia

                                    You guys look all confused. Am i going to have to separate you all

                                            I guess so......................................GSE Taiwan

                                         And...............................................GSE Argentina

 Let me explain this pic. We were in a workshop and the instructor put us on the spot. He asked for two volunteers. Marsha from GSE Japan and myself volunteered. Then we were asked to give our introductions to the entire workshop. I hadn't even written my introduction yet so i figured i'd be the gentlemen and let the lady go first. Marsha got up there and gave a stellar introduction.Then it was my turn. I figured I had to come up with something to keep up with the young lady. No pressure, right.!?

                                                           Still making it up as i go

                                                Looks like TROUBLE.....Hahahaah..
From left to right: Pam (Argentina), Anthony (Taiwan), Ericca (Japan), Drew (Japan), Myself (Brazil),                      Marsha (Japan), Don (Rotarian), and Rebekah (Argentina)


DATE: December 4, 2012
LOCATION: Pfeiffer University

During this meeting we talked about getting our documents (insurance, and medical forms) in order. Little did Erin and I know that we would be misled by our insurance company regarding our coverage for travel outside the United States. This would cause us to scramble to find coverage for ourselves right before the deadline. Other topics on the agenda were providing Nora with our passport information, host family gift ideas, deciding on points of interest to visit while in Brazil (i.e Rio, Iguaca Falls, etc..), and the upcoming Greensboro Orientation. Since people would be traveling for the holidays, it was decided that our next meeting would actually be at the Greensboro Orientation (Jan 4-5, 2013). HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!!!!!!!

See you next year

Friday, March 1, 2013


Yes, I know this may seem a little strange that our group is about to leave for Brazil in roughly a month and I am writing about past events but that's because.......well.....we didn't have the blog up back then. So lets get you caught up with some events over the past 3 months.

DATE: November 27, 2012
LOCATION: Charlotte, NC (Pfeiffer University)

Here's the first picture of our original group. We had all survived the interview process. I must say it was kind of intimidating being interviewed by 9 people at once. You hear the term panel interview but you don't expect that many people. Obviously Rotary is thorough in their process. Thankfully we all made it. We were told that one of us would be the alternate but it really was never divulged who that mystery person really was. Anyways, if you look at the photos you might notice something..........Yes, there's only one guy....This should be interesting..LOL

Let's do the introductions going from left to right in the picture: (Disclaimer - if i mess up on this intro i am sure to be corrected by one of the ladies in the group)

Karen (Team Member)   - works for Bank of America in Marketing
Emilee (Team Member)   - works as an independent contractor for HerbaLife
Christopher (Team Member) - works for Wells Fargo in the securities investment group
Nora (Team Lead) - runs, B&E Manufacturing Co - Stainless Valve, in Matthews, NC
Erin (Team Member) - works for Wells Fargo in compliance
Elizabeth (Team Member) - pastor at a church up in the Davidson, NC area

***** Over the coming days more entries will be made to get you all caught up to speed. Until then good night************************************